Learn amazing doodle art in 8 steps | Simple doodle for beginners- Knackit

Knackit - Creators Platform


The underrated art is Doodle art. Nowadays, this art is growing gradually and people are interested in learning this art. Doodling is the art that conveys your personality which is not shown in other mediums. Doodle art can be done to decorate walls, surfaces, furniture and produce a viral outcome. Most of us would have doodled in our childhood days. The last page of our notebook wouldn’t be left with the scribbling of images with creativity.

If you like to work on this skill, get to draw these basic doodles and you can add them to your profile. From scratch, let’s learn Doodle and simple steps to start doodling for beginners.

What is doodle art?

In the 17th-century people mean stupid as Doodle. The meaning later changed to stupid art.

Doodles are fun, surprising, entertaining, and spontaneous.

Doodles are simple representations of art that showcase meaning or just composed of lines or random words or thoughts without raising the hand from the drawing paper. People often doodle when their head is busy with intense thoughts or when their head is stuck with no idea. It’s casually called “Scribble”. It’s the beautiful art to ease you out.

These arts are created with imagination and represent the thing more simply by content producers and are conveyed to the audience with simple steps and allow them to practice. To make doodles all you need is just paper, a pen, and even your hand. Lol!

Many videos and photos made by others make the drawing easier.

What is Google Doodle?

Google Doodle is used on Google Homepage intended to commemorate the holiday, achievements, birthday of a notable person, special events, and many more which is temporary. In 1998 Google Doodle was first designed by the co-founders. A team of members called Doodlers to organise and publish the doodles daily in a creative way. The most popular doodle is “Burning man” which was first designed.

Learn amazing doodle art in 5 steps

Doodling expresses creativity and makes you feel happy. It could be the best therapist to relieve your stress. Learning doodle doesn’t need great artistic skills flowing your blood. All you need is to go along with the flow of your mind and hand.

Here are those 5 steps for beginners to learn amazing doodles:

Warm-up and relax your mind

Just like warm-out exercise before the workout, you have to warm out your hand muscles to give a flow to doodle. The best way to warm up is to set a timer for 10 minutes and start doodling pointlessly without setting any expectations. Just draw. Draw shapes, lines, works, plants, etc Dont lift your hand or put down your pen in these 10 minutes.

Observe the basic shapes of objects

This may take some practice. When you look at things to draw, you have to see the things with less perspective by loosening your mind. A mobile is rectangular, the sun is circular, samosa is triangular, and the cone is an inverted triangle. Start with the simple shapes and objects, then refine them.

Use a variety of thickness

When you start as beginner yu may just have a pen. But as you expand as the expert you may variety of pens with varied nibs to choose from. Use different nibs to style out your art. Highlight the outlines with thickness nib and finer details in smaller nibs.

Choose your happy spot

The happy spot could be your desk with a cup of tea, cuddling in the bed, listening to your favorite music, sitting in the park on the floor. Choosing your happy plays is the biggest success in doodling art. Doodles come out cleaner and creative in flow when you enjoy and feel relaxed in your happy spot.

No right or wrong in it

In the doodle, there is no right or wrong. How I draw a hand may differ from you. This doesn’t mean you are wrong. As you practice, you will find your style of doodling. Don’t force yourself to look great by comparing others. The best way to get the style is to take one subject and try different art out of one.

Simple doodle for beginners

Feel free to create an imaginary shape for your art by doodling. We have come up with some basic steps on how to draw cactus, summer treats, and instant cameras from Pinterest. Grab a paper and pen. Try out these fun doodles now!

Benefits of Doodling

Doodlings have a great connection with our mental health. It has several benefits linked to psychological benefits such as grabbing a pen and scribbling on paper while enjoying yourself.

  • Improves Memory and concentration power
  • Ease out stress
  • Enhance creativity

To know more read the article “The Mental Health Benefits Of Doodling” from Healthline

Wrap up

Doodling is the best way to reduce your stress and enhance creativity. Don't push yourself into doodling and complex your thoughts. Relax and start with free doodlings. Go with the flow. To become more confident in this field - Practice every day, journal your art, and draw how you like it.

All the best!

-Sri Nandhini G



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